
And why should I make a donation to Wellington SeniorNet?

Because Wellington Seniornet can’t run on the smell of an oily rag, that’s why!

Yes, you say, lots of other organisations need money too, they’re always asking for donations, but how do I know where it goes, and what is it used for anyway?

Donations go towards our goal to assist the over ‘50s in our community to keep up with the computer skills and technology that have become so essential for coping in today’s world.

Wellington Seniornet is not only a registered charity but it is staffed entirely by unpaid volunteers. Our operational expenses are partly subsidised by the SeniorNet Federation of NZ and the Wellington City Council so your donation goes directly to help pay for the upkeep of, and rental on, our teaching room and the equipment that’s used at Anvil House 

Our tutors and everyone involved in the running of our society give their time and skills freely (quite a demand on them really). No-one is paid for writing courses, tutoring courses and our individuals running the office, answering the telephones, preparing and submitting reports or any of the thousand other tasks needed to ensure the smooth-running of the organisation. Everyone involved does it for the satisfaction of being able to help our members and to know they’re learning about how to use technology in their every day lives.

We also look to the community to come forward to help with tutoring. If you have skills you think may be of assistance, then please contact us. In addition we sometimes call on past students who themselves have taken courses and who would like to pass on their knowledge and skills to others. Tutoring is a fantastic way to consolidate your own learning.

As you can see there are several ways you can do your bit for our community, and when you make a donation to Wellington Seniornet, please note that we are registered to give you a tax deductible receipt, so it won’t hurt as much as you thought!

Wellington Seniornet thanks you for taking the time to read our request and for your kindness in donating and supporting us to further our aims.

Thank You
Donation Form