Joining Wellington SeniorNet

Wellington SeniorNet Membership Application Form

Join SeniorNet Form
This is optional, but the information helps us with funding applications

SeniorNet Wellington: Revised Privacy Statement and Disclaimer

Privacy statement

By providing my personal information to SeniorNet Wellington (SeniorNet):

  1. I agree that SeniorNet may collect, store, use, and disclose my personal information:
    1. to provide information or services to me;
    2. for administrative purposes, including managing records of members;
    3. to contact me;

for any other reason permitted by the Privacy Act 2020.

I acknowledge that if I have not or do not provide the requested personal information, then SeniorNet may not be able to process my membership application or provide information or services to me;

I agree to advise SeniorNet of any changes to my personal information, so that SeniorNet can keep the information held up-to-date; and

I acknowledge that I have a right to request access to, or correction of, the personal information held by SeniorNet.


I acknowledge that:

  1. I am solely responsible for keeping my passwords secure and will not divulge them to SeniorNet Tutors or Officers.
  2. In requesting SeniorNet Wellington to provide services, including help with my device(s), I acknowledge and agree any such services will be provided by volunteers on a “all care, no responsibility” basis and that neither SeniorNet Wellington, nor any of its tutors, will be liable for any loss, damage or cost howsoever caused arising out of, or in any way related to, such services or  SeniorNet Wellington’s, access to or use of my device(s), including:
    1. loss, damage or corruption, of any software, files or data, on my device(s), or the cost of retrieving, restoring or recreating such data, records or files; or
    2. loss or damage to my device(s), including the loss of functionality of my device(s).
  3. I agree that I will not bring any claim against SeniorNet Wellington, or any of its tutors in relation to any services provided.

SeniorNet Membership Subscription – For joining members only

SeniorNet membership subscription is based on a calendar year and is currently $25 for a full year, with progressive reductions through the year. Subscriptions for members joining in December cover the following year.

In the panel below, click the joining period and subscription amount applicable on the date you complete this form.

If paying by online banking, what is the date of payment (dd/mm/yy)?
Annual subscriptions Renewal
Please enter your name and membership number

OnLine Banking Details

If you are paying by online banking SeniorNet Wellington is registered with most of the banks for “Bills Payable”, and this method of payment is preferable. However, if you do use the bank’s one-off payment facility,
​our bank account is: 06 0501 0624049 00.     
Please provide your details as follows:
Your SURNAME in the Particulars section     
Your INITIALS in the Code section      
The word NEW (or 3 zeros for Kiwibank customers) in the Reference section.     
Your membership will be confirmed after we have processed your application and payment.